Apr 20, 2024

Lost in a crowd

 This is an expensive jacket, but I’m gonna freeze to


Think I’m gonna go crazy over this meaningless feeling

of loss

Won’t listen to what my head tells me to do

Act the way I want, give unfriendly looks

When a day full of rebelliousness sets,

Cover up with shame

Even if you’d hurt me with your sharp words, I

could’ve give you a soft hug, no, hug me

Just with anyone

With a stranger and a stranger,

With night and day,

With a person and with love,

Lost in a crowd

- Lost in a crowd, Mino

A closure of that chapter in my life. 

Thank you for existing, for everything in between. I've learnt a lot from you. To reflect, to go back to the normal self yet, more stronger. Hopefully , the chapter is close forever. No more. 

Apr 16, 2024

Sunshine in the middle of sorrow

 23 February 2024

We welcome a new member of our family. MFH. 

Moga menjadi anak yang soleh, penyejuk mata mama papa, family, kebanggan keluarga, agama dan negara.

Ujian for your mama 3 days before Raya, she lost her mom. Hopefully you will bring the joy and pride for the family. 

Jan 22, 2024

Kehilangan Yang bakal, sentiasa dirindukan.



12 pm. Hospital Kulim.

We lost a member of our beloved family. A dearest one. Not much talking person, yet very impactful presence in our life. My sister in law left 2 child, 14 &6 year old, 

I can't even imagine how can my niece and nephew will go through this challenge. Yet, I believe Allah know the best. We'll survive this together. Hopefully we able to make it successfully. 

Thank you, kak yong for being the best sister in law. For being there with my brother during his lowest, and possibly the highest moment in his life. And for giving Pa the best memories during umrah even tho it is last minute decision. 

Till we meet again in heaven, InsyaAllah.